Showing posts with label SlamBook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SlamBook. Show all posts

Slam Book Questions For Lover

Slam book questions for lover, slam book questions, slam book questions for whatsapp, slam book questions for friends, slam book messages, slam book for whatsapp. slam book for lover, love slam book, slam book questions for lover, slam questions for lover, slam book questions for girlfriend,  slam book question for boyfriend. This Whatsapp slam book Messages containing slam questions to know deeply about your lover.  Whatsapp Slam Book Questions for Lover is a slam book message for whatsapp friends especially for crush lover.

  • Can you tell me a secret that you've never told anyone?
  • Do you have any favorite childhood memories?
  • Does any song remind you of me? If yes, which one?
  • How much do you love me?
  • How would you describe me in a paragraph?
  • How would you describe me in a single word?
  • If God gave you one wish, what would you ask for?
  • If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
  • If you were a bird or an animal what would you like to be?
  • If you were to choose between happiness and wealth, which would you choose?
  • What are your thoughts about our future?
  • What do you like the best about me?
  • What do you think are your weaknesses?
  • What do you want to achieve in life?
  • What is your idea of a perfect Sunday?
  • What makes for a perfect woman?
  • What was the first thing that attracted you to me?
  • When you met me for the first time?
  • Which color do you prefer on me?
  • Which of my features do you love the most? Why?
  • Which one of our memories you'd never want to lose?
  • Which quality of mine do you love/ admire the most?
  • Who gets to control the TV remote in your family?
  • Who is the most important person in your life?
  • Who is the one person you admire the most?
  • Who is your hero?
  • Who would we be if we were a Hollywood couple?
  • Would you cook a romantic dinner for me?

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  • Can you tell me a secret that you’ve never told anyone?
  • Did anyone help you to ask me out on our first date?
  • Which color do you prefer on me?
  • Would you know that I want to make love to you, without me telling you?
  • If I were to turn up at your door, how would you react?
  • Has our relationship changed you in any way? How?
  • Has being with me helped you discover yourself more?
  • Is there anything that I have introduced you to that has made your life richer, better? What is it?
  • Am I your best friend as well as your lover?
  • Which of my features do you love the most? Why?
  • Do I match your idea of a perfect partner?
  • What was the first thought you had when you first saw me?
  • When was the first time you fell in love with me?
  • When you met me for the first time, what was the first thing that attracted you to me?
  • What do you like the best about me?
  • If you had only 5 minutes with me, what would you want to do?
  • How would you describe me in a paragraph?
  • Which one of our memories you’d never want to lose?
  • If I asked you to blindly follow me, would you?
  • Do you feel complete with me?
  • Does any song remind you of me? If yes, which one?
  • Which is the best memory of you and me, according to you?
  • Would you cook a romantic dinner for me?
  • If you were to give me a nickname, what would it be?
  • What are your thoughts about our future?
  • When did you realize that you were falling in love with me?
  • What is the wildest thing you want to do with me?
  • What would you do if another guy hits on me?
  • What is the one thing you really want to do with me? Or one experience you would love to share with me?
  • Which quality of mine do you love/ admire the most?
  • If you could whisk me away for a weekend, would you? Where would you take me?

These slam book questions uses to know your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend and whatsapp group chat members. If you are not satisfied with this Slambook message 2016 then you may also like the followings, because those are only for entertainment purpose. facebook slam book for lover, facebook love slam book, facebook slam book questions for lover, facebook slam questions for lover, facebook slam book questions for girlfriend, facebook slambook question for boyfriend

  • Advise for me ____
  • Color for me ____
  • Dedicate a song 4 Me.?? ____
  • Describe in one word, Friendship is ____
  • Describe in one word, LIFE is ____
  • Describe your soul mate… ____
  • Did you ever have a crush on your teacher or someone much older when you were a kid?
  • Do you believe in love? Why or why not? ____
  • Everyone had a crush on a TV character when they were teenagers. Who was yours? ____
  • Gift for me ____
  • Give your three best past moments that you can’t forget in our friendship?
  • Have you ever fantasized about a friend’s girlfriend? ____
  • How do u Feel Wen u talk to me? ____
  • I am your _____
  • If I was your slave for a day, what would you ask me to do for you? ____
  • If u got a Chance to ask me something about My Personal Life? ____
  • If you are alone in Island and you have chance to have only one partner with u. whom you choose, why?
  • If you can invisible, tell what first things u do? ____
  • If you could bring back one famous person from the dead, who would it be?
  • If you could get one superpower, what would it be? ____
  • If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? ____
  • If you give another chance to live ur life. What will you do? ____
  • If you had to describe our relationship in 5 words, what would they be? ____
  • My Name in your Phone ____
  • My nature ____
  • My weakness ____
  • One thing that u Love the Most about Me ____
  • Suggest a TV show for me to watch. ____
  • Suggest a website for me to go to. ____
  • Tell me about three funniest friends you know in your life? ____
  • The thing u like most in My Face ____
  • What is your deepest fear? ____
  • What was your first impression about me? ____
  • What was your first impression about me? ____
  • What will be your Reaction, when you will find out that I’m dead? ______
  • What’s the best advice you’ve given or been given? ____
  • When was the most peaceful day you have had? ____
  • Where do you want to be in 50 years? ____
  • Which female celebrity would you want to take away for a weekend? ____
  • Which is the song you associate with me on imagine? ____
  • Who is your secret crush? ____
  • Who is your secret crush? ____
  • Words about me ____
  • Your First Reaction on My First Look ____
  • Your Romantic ideas/expectation about Love! ____

Slam Book Questions for Lover
1. How do you Feel Wen u talk to Me
2. Do You Think That We Have Met Before, In Another Life?
3. If God gave you two boons, what would you ask for?
4. Where do you consider being places for romance?
5. Which was the moment when I impressed you most?
6. What are your expectations of me?
7. What’s your favorite memory of me?
8. Do You Like To Describe What You See In The Clouds?
9. What do you think of public displays of affection?
10. Any Name, u would Like 2 Call Me
11. Is there a key to your heart?
12. What is your idea of romance?
13. Can you describe our life with a six word sentence?
14. Have you ever lied to me and if so, why?
15. What do you think of public displays of affection?
16. What kind of music would you like to listen to with me?
17. What’s your favorite memory of me?
18. What’s your definition of love?
19. When was the last time you thought about me?
20. Which colors do you like me wearing for you?

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Whatsapp Slam Book Questions
1. My name in your phone
2. What is your favorite month or season?
3. What is your general philosophy of life?
4. What is your New Year resolution of 2016?
5. What kind of music would you like to listen with me?
6. If you got a chance to ask me something about my personal life
7. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done in the last year?
8. What flowers would you like to offer me?
9. If you had three wishes for me, what would it be?
10. Words about me
11. What kind of woman or man would you like to marry?
12. Describe in one word, love is
13. What would you like to change about yourself?
14. One thing that u Love the Most about Me

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  • Biggest Crush…. - Ha ha ha–that’s another secret.
  • Define Love and Friendship? - True Love is a commitment–it’s enduring…. A great nurturing friendship is what makes it easier to balance everything and all, in life.
  • Describe in one word, LIFE is …………. - A challenge–life cycle is filled of trials and experiences for spiritual, love and emotional growth.
  • Describe yourself. - I’m all right–not a bad looking entity or species and a pretty nice person, I think–specially when unconscious.
  • Favourite Colour? And why? - Blue (the colour of the heavens/sky above and the ocean)–it symbolizes tranquility, hope, sincerity, cleanliness, contentment, trust and spirituality….
  • First Crush…. - Ha ha, secret.
  • Give me one good reason to love you. - I have no reason to give (am not selling myself, am I? (hehe); what you see is what you get–take it or leave it!
  • Have you ever told someone you hated them but not really meant it? - Yes–I was at the end of my rope…didn’t really mean it, because I really don’t hate.
  • Have you ever told someone you loved them but not really meant it? - No.
  • If you could fly anywhere in the world, where would you go? - Can I go to the moon, or will that be considered not part of the world? OK, India and Portugal, then.
  • If your life was to be filmed, which actress would you want to play you? - If this question was asked three years ago, I’d say “Angelina Jolie,” but today I’ll have to say “Charlize Theron.” I love her simplicity, and her beauty! (Not that I am pretty, haha, but I’d still like her to play me, hehe).
  • Some negative points in you. - An occasional grouch
  • Some positive points in you. - Compassionate, friendly, caring and loving.
  • Suggest a website for me to go to. - Visit or
  • The best thing about you. - I always try to be a better person everyday…and I tend to look at the glass half-full rather than half-empty.
  • What do you look for in people (for friends)? - I dig kindhearted, honest, down-to-earth (genuinely modest), respectful and considerate peeps. Those who love animals & children. Also those friendly individuals with good manners and great sense of humor! And last but not least, those who share my aesthetic interests.
  • What else do you do in your free time? - Read and ponder about various things, randomly.
  • What inspires you? - Life itself….
  • What sports or recreation do you do? - I like watching cricket play football, badminton and volleyball.
  • Who would you most like to talk to? - My very bestfriend.
  • Your plan in life is to…. - Live in harmony and conform with the natural flow of life.

You may also like Slam Book For Facebook, Patience Tester Slam Book For Facebook, Slam Book For College Day’s Friends, Slam Book For High School Day’s Friends, Whatsapp Slam Book For Old Friends and Whatsapp Slam Book For New Friends.  These slam book questions uses to know your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend and whatsapp group chat members. If you are not satisfied with this Slambook message 2016 then you may also like the followings, because those are only for entertainment purpose. Are you a fan of dare game message? Then try Any Number From 1 To 54 Whatsapp Dare game message. Are you searching for a difficult dare game message? Then try Tongue Twister Dare - Select A Number from 1 to 10.... Are you searching for a horror dare game? Then try Horror Nights Dare Game: Select A Number From.


Whatsapp Dares For Girlfriend - Whatsapp Dare Games For Lovers – Best Whatsapp Dare Messages And Games

New updated and latest Whatsapp dare messages, hot dare messages, whatsapp darenaughty to perform with friends, lover and family.  Whatsapp Dare Games For Lover - Whatsapp Dare Games For Lovers ... Send thisWhatsapp dare messages to your contacts and check out there. The main purpose of using WhatsApp is to generally send dare messages to yourfriend, girlfriends lovers and whatsapp love games. WhatsApp dare messages are fun games which you can play with your friends, family and even your boyfriend or girlfriend. Have fun with your friends, share these truth and dare messages with your friends ... Dare Messages and Games are a fun way to reveal the actual personality of a person either he is daring or a fearing person. whatsapp love game messages Girlfriend & boyfriend

# 1 ##

Choose any letter from A to Z
A | B | C |D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U |V |W | X | Y | Z

A.Tell me your biggest secret.
B.Forget me and delete my number
C.Ignore me.
D. Send me picture of your legs
E.Don’t talk to me for 1 day
F.What you had done exactly before sleeping yesterday
G.Be my slave for 1 day.
H. Describe me with a single Movie name ?
I. Send a voice message saying that "You love me"
J. What you will do, If I block you now on whatsapp
K. Make my picture as your dp for 1 week.
L. Tell me a secret about you
M. Send me your latest picture.
N. send me a video of you telling me I am sweet
O. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t
P. Write your phone number in your status for 1 week.
Q. Write my name on your status saying that you love me!
R. how many Bf and Gf you have?
S. Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice.
T. Tell me one thing you have never told anyone .
V. Send me a picture of what your doing now.
W. Send a pic of your first crush
X.How much money do you have in your wallet now ?
Y. Tell me a joke.
Z. What is your relationship status

whatsapp dares for girlfriend, whatsapp dare, whatsapp games for lovers, whatsapp love games with answers, dare games

# 2 ##

Chosose Any Number From 1 to 10.Reply Fast

Answers :
1. Propose me in sexiest style
2. What are your feelings about me?
3. Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”
4. Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!
5. Tell me one thing that you have never told anyone
6. Make a dp of you and a guy with you. But he should not be your bf.
7. Make our combined picture as your display picture for 1 day
8. Have you ever think to block me on whatsapp
9. Tell me a secret about your relationship?
10. send a pic of your crush

best WhatsApp Dare Messages with Answer. Send these questions to your lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends

# 3 ##

Choose your lucky number from 1 to 20. Reply Fast.


1.  Ice cream treat
2.  Call me and say my name in a loud voice!
3.  Tell me something you always wanted to say me but you couldn’t
4.  Send me a photo of your first crush.
5.  Say I Love You in a voice note.
6.  Ice cream treat
7.  How do you describe me at least five line?
8.  Take me for a long drive
9.  Rs 500 recharge to my mobile number.
10. Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you
11. Be my one-day boyfriend/girlfriend 😛
12. hat are your feelings about me?
13. How do you describe me at least five line?
14. What would you want our relation to be?
15. Treat me with a movie
16. Delete my phone number and forget me.
17. Tell me atleast two negative points about me that you hate the most.
18. Dance on any song and send me the video
19. Hug me when you meet me next
20. Date me

Whatsapp Slam Book Questions for Lover is a slam book message for whatsapp friends especially for crush lover. This Whatsapp slam book Messages containing slam.  FunnyDare Questions for CRAZY party Lovers

# 4 ##

Dare Questions For Whatsapp : SLAMBOOK
Copy this interesting Questions and send it to your contacts and get interesting replies.

1.The thing you like most in my character?
 2.The Nick name that you want to give me
3.Which type of dresses suits me the most?
4.Relation status you want to be with me?
5.Dedicate a song for our relationship?
6.My contact name in your phone?
7.The thing that you hate in my attitude?
8.What do you think about me ?
9.Colors that suits me
10.Rate my Whatsapp profile picture out of 100?

We are giving you many Whatsapp Dare Games Messages in this post, you can scroll down till you find desired Whatsapp Game for Girlfriend.

# 5 ##

Dare: Select any number from 1 to 9 and I’ll tell your dare 😀 , Reply must and Fast 😀

1. Date me
2. Send me a voice note saying you love me in 3 romantic ways and keep our name in your status
3. Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now
4. How do you describe me at least six line?
5. Hug me when you meet me next
6. Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!
7. Call me and say my name in a loud voice!
8. Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you
9. Be my one day bf or gf

A great whatsapp loves games, such as WhatsApp Love Dare Messages or the heart love game to share with friends and lovers.

# 6 ##

Choose Your Any Favorite Color. Reply Fast
•   Red
•   Blue
•   Yellow
•   Green
•   White
•   Purple
•   Orange
•   Violet
•   Black

•   Red : Dedicate a song for our relationship?
•   Blue : The quality you like the most in yourself?
•   Yellow : What is your opinion on me?
•   Green  : Dance for 10 seconds and send me that video.
•   White  : Call me and say I LOVE YOU
•   Purple  :Send me a picture of what your doing now.
•   Orange : Ask a neighbor for a roll of toilet paper.
•   Violet   :Send me a video telling that I am sweet
•   Black    :What is your relationship status.

These WhatsApp dare messages are fun games which you can play with your friends, family and even your boyfriend or girlfriend.

# 7 ##

Whatsapp Naughty Dares
Dare Question : Choose any one triple number from below :


000 Silent killer
111 S*x Addict
222  Handsome
333 True lover
444 Cheater
555 Lovely & Caring
666 Heart Breaker
777 Hard Worker
888 Lazy In Bed
999  Proud And Sweet

Whatsapp games for couples, Whatsapp Dare Games for Lovers, Whatsapp games, Whatsapp games for couples with answers, Whatsapp dare games for couples

# 8 ##

Dare Question : Who I am for u? Select any one answer from the below list and I'll tell you the meaning.
1. Pizza
2. Sweets
3. Chocolate
4. Burger
5. Cigarette
6. Drugs
7. Pain Killer


Pizza  = Best Friends
Sweets = Good Friends
Chocolate = You Love me
Burger =Time Pass
Cigarette = Addict to me
Drugs  =Can't live without me.
Pain Killer =  You need me.


Best Whatsapp Questions And Answers Game – Best Forward Questions And Answers Game – Don’t cheat

Best whatsapp questions and answers game also a interesting whatsapp game that select a number then will let you know Whatsapp Game answer. latest whatsapp game select number, Funny question answer, select number whatsapp game, Whatsapp Game for Lovers.

whatsapp questions and answers game also a whatsapp game that select a number then will let you know Whatsapp Game answer.

#1 whatsapp questions and answers game:

Don’t cheat, if you are honest, this tells the truth. It’s pretty good. Write your answers on a piece of paper, and NO cheating!! The answers are at the bottom.
1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow?
2.. Your first initial letter of name.?
3.. Your month of birth?
4.. Which color do you like more, black or white?
5.. Name of a person of the same gender as yours..
6.. Your favorite number?
7… Do you like Flying or Driving more?
8.. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
9.. Write down a wish (a real one).

When you’re done, scroll down. (Don’t cheat!)

1. If you choose:
RED- You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black – You are conservative and aggressive.
Green – Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back..
Blue – You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow – You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
2. If your initial is:
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good..
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone who loves u madly..
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will change ur life and the memories will last forever.
July-Sept: Your love will be true and your life partner loves you so much ..
Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great and your life partner will be in your relations..
4.. If you chose:
Black: Your life will on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time, but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. This person is your best friend.
6 This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
7. If you chose:
Flying: You like adventure.
Driving: You are a laid back person.
8.. If you chose:
Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
9. This wish will come true only if you send this to five people in one hour. Send it to ten people, and it will come true before your next birthday.
I must thank god to have such friend like u! 😘 Send this to 15 people. In 60 mins, something will make u very happy if u tell
The time will start once u see this

WhatsApp truth and dare questions, WhastApp dare games with answers, WhatsApp dare messages with answers

#2 whatsapp questions and answers game:

Please answer the following Yes/No questionnaire.
1) If somebody sits in the first row, normally people entering the class, sees them.
(a) Yes (b) No
2) If a girl laughs and looks anyone, is it love?
(a) Yes (b) No
3) While singing, if somebody forgets lines of the songs, will he/she stop singing or not?
(a) Yes (b) No
4) I was showing to my friends (who are all girls) my childhood photo.
You poked your nose inside….. Right ?
(a) Yes (b) No
5) I avoided to hold your hand during trekking. Couldn’t you understand yet?
(a) Yes (b) No
6) Should I not wait for my best friend (Siddhi) at the bus stand?
(a)Yes (b) No
7) Shouldn’t I introduce you to my parents as a friend?
(a) Yes (b) No
8) You have said you also like Lotus, cauliflower, banana’s flower. Is it true ?
(a) Yes (b) No
9) Oh was that your birthday. That’s why I could see you in temple. I come daily to Temple. Do you know ?
(a) Yes (b) No

Scroll down. (Don’t cheat!)

If you have answered “Yes” to any of the question, then I am not loving you. If you have answered “No”, then you don’t know the meaning of Love.
Hope everything is clear to you

interesting Whatsapp dare messages, Whatsapp dare games, WhatsApp truth and dare, Whatsapp dare questions

#3 whatsapp questions and answers game :

A teenage college guy sent a love letter (in Q/A format) to his classmate/Girlfriend.

Please answer the following questionnaire. And get your score
1) Whenever you enter the class room, your sight always falls on me because:
(a) of love
(b) you couldn’t control seeing me
(c) really … Am I doing it?
2) Whenever professor cracks joke, you laugh and turn and look at me because:
(a) you always like to see me smiling
(b) you are testing whether I like jokes
(c) you are attracted by my smile
3) When you were singing in the class, I entered and immediately you stopped singing because:
(a) you are so coy to sing before me
(b) my presence influenced you
(c) you feared that whether I’ll like your song
4) When you were showing your childhood photo, when I asked for it, you hide it because:
(a) you felt ashamed
(b) you felt uneasy
(c) you don’t know
5) During trekking, myself and my friend gave you hand for lifting you and you took only my friend’s because:
(a) you enjoyed my disappointment
(b) you won’t feel leaving my hand after grabbing
(c) you don’t know
6) You were waiting yesterday for bus and didn’t get into your bus…
(a) you were waiting for me
(b) you were dreaming about me and didn’t notice the bus
(c) that bus was crowded
7) You introduced me to your parents when they came to college because:
(a) I am going to be your groom
(b) you just want to know what your parents think about me
(c) just you felt like introducing me to them
8) I told that I like girls wearing roses. Next day, you came with a rose on your head because:
(a) to fulfill my wish
(b) you like roses
(c) by chance you got a rose
9) On that day, it was my birthday. You too came to temple early at 6:00 A.M because:
(a) you want to pray along with me
(b) you want to meet me before any one could meet on my birthday
(c) you want to wish me at temple because you are spiritual.

scroll down. (Don’t cheat!)

Please answer the following questionnaire. For Options
(a) 10 marks
(b) 5 marks
(c) 3 marks

If you have scored more than 40, then you are loving me. Don’t delay in expressing it.
If you have scored between 30 and 40, love is budding in your heart and it’s getting ready to bloom. If you have scored less than 30, you are in confusion whether to love me or not.
Eagerly awaiting your reply..

#4 whatsapp questions and answers game

Your Birthday Month Then I will tell you about your Personality..

Answers :
Jan : Charming
Feb : Sweet
Mar : Innocent
Apr : Cute
May : Naughty
Jun : Hot
Jul : Moody
Aug : Sexy
Sep : Loving
Oct : Intelligent
Nov : Sensitive
Dec : Cool

collection whatsapp dare messages, whatsappp funny questions and whatsapp puzzles with questions and answers to share with friends!

#5 whatsapp questions and answers game

Choose one mobile favorite function
I will tell u about your life partner??
1) Messaging
2) Contacts
3) Gallery
4) Media
5) Apps
6) Setting

1) Messaging : Loving n Caring
2) Contacts : Very talkative n bold
3) Gallery : Romantic n deep Thinker
4) Media : Social n Fashionable
5) Apps : Boring n Selfish
6) Setting : money maker and irritating

whatsapp questions and answers game also a whatsapp game that select a number then will let you know Whatsapp Game answer.

#6 whatsapp questions and answers game
Select 1 No Then I’ll Tell U, what type of mind is yours
Share with your friends and family and see what type of mind is them?

020 : Irritating Mind
120 : Cool Mind
244 : Clever Mind
264 : Romantic Mind
557 : Loving Mind
302 : Duffer Mind
309 : Lazy Mind
900 : Soft Mind


Slam Book 2017 for Whatsapp, Facebook Chats

Slam Book 2017 Message - Send Everyone, and Get Interesting Answers through Whatsapp, Facebook and Social Text Messenger Chat

Are you looking for a slam book 2017 message to text with your chat member? Here you can get a slam book text message with best interesting questions to ask your chat mate. Slam book text message will change your chat very interesting. This slam book 2017 message contains best slam book 2017 questions which more similarly include funny slam book 2017 questions, slam book questions for best friends, love slam book questions, slam book question for girlfriend and slam book question for boyfriend. Sometimes slam book answers are answered with more humor. Slam book question messages are more famous in whatsapp and Facebook chats.

Copy this slam book 2017 message and send in your whatsapp, Facebook and other social messengers.

Slam Book 2017 for Whatsapp, Facebook chats. Send this to All your Contacts
1. What Nickname Suits My Personality?
2. My name in your phone
3. Words about me
4. If you got a chance to ask me something about my personal life
5. What's the bravest thing you've ever done in the last year?
6. Describe in one word, LIFE is
Describe in one word, Friendship is
7. Describe in one word, love is
8. How do you Feel When you talk to me
9. Your First Reaction on My First Look
10. Relation between you and me
11. One thing that u Love the Most about Me
12. Any name you would like to call me
13. What is your New Year resolution of 2017?
14.  If you had three wishes for me, what would it be?
Send to your friends and get interesting anzzz...
Send Everyone, And Get Interesting Answers.
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Forward this slam book message to all your friends in whatsapp, facebook and other texting messengers then get interesting slam book answers from them.
If think this slam book text message in not interesting then we have some another slam book messages likely slam book 2015 for whatsapp,

These slam book questions uses to know your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend and whatsapp group chat members.

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